Kawartha Sunset

Kawartha Sunset
Sunset fishing cant be beat! Then enjoy a drink and shore lunch/dinner/whenever on us. Fresh Perch, Walleye and Bass.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Do your part

I'm fishing one of my favourite holes in my local area.... its late fall and I'm hoping for a chunky Brown Trout. Its a warm November day and I cant help but get every minute into me before the bite of winter sets in....
As I watch my line, waiting...... I can help but notice a grocery cart, laying in the back end of the pool I'm fishing....
Anyone that fishes the Great Lake Tributaries, especially the ones that run through major cities are probably all too familiar with this circumstance.
My line tightens and a respectable 5 pound Brown is beached and released...
Anyone that fishes Brown Trout know that they are a respectable game fish and a great challenge to catch!
It seems though that anglers take advantage of this for there immediate pleasure, and don't think about the line, garbage, plastic, etc,  that they leave behind, and how much the future of the fishery gets affected by our carelessness.

As I walk further down the river to my next spot I cant help but notice all the garbage littered along the river.
I cant help but wonder what our rivers would look like and how much better the fishing would be if we took that extra second to think... and maybe show a little care for what we have.
I'm not speaking for everyone for I know there is many people out there that care, however it seems like everyday we are becoming the minority, and it is impossible to keep up with the damage we do to our waterways due to our own greed and ignorance towards the freshwater that we are blessed with in this Country!
One person cant change this, but if we all did our part, I think we could do so much better to preserve these important resources we have.

I don't think I need to get into what we need to do to keep our rivers and lakes clean.. I think we are smart enough to figure it out ourselves..
Just do your part.. and clean up after yourselves as individuals.
If we continue to abuse this sport, and the resources that we are so lucky to have... then they will be there NO MORE!...
Personally I couldn't imagine life without fishing and the outdoors.
If we all took a second to think about the consequences of our actions, and thought about the consequences it could cost us for the future, instead of our immediate pleasure and greed than we could do more for the outdoors than we could even imagine!..
Do your part:)

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