Unless you have the luxury of going south in February, most of,February consists of ice fishing, negative temperatures, fingers to numb to feel the line, and dragging your ice hut out onto your favourite water body, just to drag it back a few months later.... if your anything like me, fishing through a hole in the ice, just isn't the same as fishing open water.Due to all the high quiality huts these days in can however make your experience a lot more enjoyable.
This February however has been the opposite. .. Beavers, ducks, muskrats, and plenty of big trout, have been occupying the OPEN water in most of the Tributaries along Lake Ontario...giving the avid angler not only a head start on Steelhead season, but a way to avoid ice fishing all together.
10 pound + trout in open water is better than any day on the ice for me....
Pound for pound, it is hard to beat the fight of a fresh Steelhead, or Brown Trout in open water.. just another way to fish 12 months a year.