Kawartha Sunset

Kawartha Sunset
Sunset fishing cant be beat! Then enjoy a drink and shore lunch/dinner/whenever on us. Fresh Perch, Walleye and Bass.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

"The Bean Machine"

 Fishing, turtle catching, frog catching, crayfish catching, and relaxing excursions are just a few things this boat could do:[) Plus the fact it ran with no gas, and no electricity so it was pretty easy on the pocket.
Some of my fondest memories came from inside the bright yellow beast:)
When I was really young, and the water in our bay on Cameron Lake was calm enough, it would give me a way to get off the dock and catch more fish and explore! Pack a lunch, give me a rod and some bait and you could get rid of me for 6 hours no problem!:)
Seriously Im sure my parents loved my passion for fishing, partly due to that fact.
I started getting older, and my body grew... The side of the paddle boat I was sitting on started getting noticably closer to water level:{)
My passion for fishing also became bigger, as well as the size of fish I was catching. I can remember having Muskies on, and thinking to myself.... How in the world am I going to land this....It dosent matter how strong your gear is.... It dosent take much for a big Muskie to drag a paddle boat around, and go where it wants.

I remeber using the foot space below the peddles as a livewell and having it full of crayfish, frogs, minnows, and fish.  Sometime all four. Throw a Turtle in there also..... I can also remeber the days I was so determined to go fishing, I didnt care about the roughness of the water.. I would go out anyways and try my luck. I learned to always bring a bailing bucket!!!! Bail, Bail, Bail,...Fish...Bail, Bail, Bail, Bail....Fish...This would go on for hours.

Unfortunately last summer a big storm hit our shoreline, and the paddleboat got thrown down the shore. The boat is busted up pretty good from the rocks and Im not sure if it will ever be fixed... 20 years of great memories, and days on the water..is just a few things it has provided me with.. To someone else they may not pay 20 bucks for it... To me you could never put a price on it, and there is no way I can explain everything it has provided me... Cheers to the "Bean Machine"

Monday, 23 January 2012

Take a kid fishing

    Taking a child/youth and introducing them to fishing and the outdoors, is not only a positive, and healthy hobby, but also teaches many life skills. Patience, perseverance, and a means to provide food are a few.

In a world full of cell phones, video games, computers, televisions, and any of the other numerous inventions we have come up with to make life more entertaining, convenient and easier…. I think we may have lost, some of our basic life skills that are so important to us, and have became shall we say a little spoiled, and too depende
I myself feel confident that if all means of electronics shut down in this world, that I could survive with only the basics, and be happy!
To be inside in front of a screen just didn’t happen as much as a child growing up in the older generations for most. At the cottage I can remember the tv couldn’t get turned on till after dark, or on a rainy day, even then the board games and puzzles came out, and no cable, just one channel.

Fishing is not for everyone, however I think many more people would take interest in the sport if they were introduced to it in the right way.

A few pieces of advice to keep in mind, is to always take a child somewhere they can catch fish.! A bunch of perch, and sunfish may not seem like a good time to experienced fisherman, but to a child it’s a good start, and they will enjoy themselves a lot more than catching nothing, not to mention a children’s attention span in a boat can dwindle quite rapidly.
I’m sure many kids become uninterested in fishing due to the fact they are sitting for hours catching nothing. It is no fun, and the child may never want to go again.

If your not an angler, but are interested in taking your child fishing, I suggest you do a little research first on the area your fishing, and call a few tackle shops for some hints, and advice.
Another option is to take a guide with you to teach you all the basics and put you on fish. The benefits of this can pay off considerably.. For instance, if you decide to take a week holiday, bringing a guide out the first day can show you all the good spots and how to fish them, in return making the rest of the weeks fishing more enjoyable.

There is no price you can put on the benefits that fishing, as well as being outdoors can have for a child in the long run.
As the saying goes… “Give a man a fish, and feed him for the day. Teach a man to fish, and feed him for life.”

Tight lines always, and good luck on the water!  

Sunday, 22 January 2012

"Prime Time"

The only way to get Salmon from the Tributaries, is as soon as they come out of the lake! Please dont interfere with the beat up Salmon, and let go of the breeders instead of milking them for roe.
Hours of hiking up and down a tributary off Lake Ontario. Its been an abnormilly dry fall, and the 70 percent chance rain for the day is on most anglers minds im sure. The fishing has been slow and fish are spooked due to the low water level. The great thing about rain during the spring and fall run for Steelhead/Salmon, is that it usually brings in a fresh run of fish...
The bad thing is however that the fishing can come to an end quick if there is too much of it, and the water clarity turns to mud. Theres is a window however before, and after the rainfall....that I like to call "Prime Time"

Last fall I experianced one of my best days fishing in a 30 minute time period. The fish new the rain was coming before I did.. It started by spotting a few telltale wakes of big "Chinooks" moving up the shallow river (at the time)..... My initial thoughts were that a few "Browns or Steelhead would follow shortly!" Hopefully I could hook up with a few before the river became to muddy to fish.
Then the sudden dowpour began.... It would have maybe caught my attention but at the time I just hooked into my first fish of the day.....
10 minutes later and a fresh 10 -12 pound coho was beached and being released after a quick photo...

The next ten minutes was kind if a blur.....fish after, fish was running up the river, leaving wakes in front of my eyes..... the water was dirting quickly though and i knew it was a matter of minutes before my day was over... My float goes under, and excitement and relief come over me as i realize Im in for another good fight before the day ends...

15 pound chrome Chinook, landed and released.  Ten minutes later I realize Im soaking wet and am probobly going to be pretty ill ,if I dont get out of the water, and rain soon... Not to mention the water looks now like a double/double from Timmys... Nothing can bother me right now though....The last 45 minutes made the whole day of nothing, worth every second! 2

Fresh run Coho.